Thermiva - Does it Really Work?

We can all admit that a healthy sexual relationship with your partner is important to building a strong relationship overall. However, there are a few things your mother didn’t tell you about your sex life as you age.

One of these things is that your vagina loses its elasticity and sensation is reduced dramatically. If you are curious about options in increasing the elasticity of the skin in and around your vaginal area, check out what Thermiva Boynton Beach has to offer.

You may be wondering how you are supposed to combat the natural effects of aging, especially in this area of your body. If you are experiencing difficulties in this area, you may initially be embarrassed to talk to your doctor about it.

However, there is a medical solution that will provide the results you are looking for, and it is called ThermiVa. So if you are looking to learn more about Thermiva in Boynton Beach, keep reading.

Improving Elasticity in Your Vagina

At some point, every woman has thought about looking for a non-surgical approach to tightening their vagina. There are creams you can purchase that will temporarily provide results, but there has never been a long-lasting solution for women.

Now, there is a procedure that will tighten your vagina, allow you to produce better lubrication, and improve the sensation you experience. Your vagina will appear more youthful and the skin will appear tighter and look more attractive.

How Does ThermiVa Work

ThermiVa is a non-surgical procedure that uses radio-waves to increase the amount of collagen your body produces. This type of procedure has been used to tighten skin in other areas of the body and has proven itself to be effective.

ThermiVa has proven itself to be effective in treating other conditions a swell. Including increasing sensation when you need to urinate, which is a problem that many women who have given birth can really appreciate.

It is a procedure that uses radio-frequency, and the energy that goes along with it, to increase the amount of collagen the skin in and around your vagina produces naturally. There is no surgery necessary, and it is a minimally invasive procedure that requires a few office visits.

Considering ThermiVa Near Boynton Beach?

The expert in ThermiVa, Dr. David Rosenstein treats women in South Florida. Call his office in Boynton Beach for a free consultation to see if it’s right for you - 561-736-9800.


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